Wednesday 20 June 2012

... What's the point?

Since starting this blog at like 10pm last night I can't stop thinking about it some questions like:
  1. Whats the point?
  2. Will there be a reputation put on me?
  3. Will I be disliked for anything I say?
  4. Will anything turn the wrong way?
  5. Will it change everything?
  6. What should the next post be about?
 Then I remembered this quote:
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
~ Albert Einstein
 I am a very out going person that shares my ideas open and freely. Sometimes I try to change things and sometimes I cant. My words are sometimes powerful but there are no words to describe how I feel.

I guess the answers are:
  1. The point is to share the wonders of the great culture of French and express how I feel and what I think of it and how others feel.
  2. Nope not in anyway... maybe with some people but there is nothing intended.
  3. Maybe.. I'm a very good spoken person who expresses feelings but again there is noting intended.
  4. Maybe.. might curve somethings
  5. It might change my feelings, perseverance and encourage me more to live my dream to move to France.
  6. Well this is the "next post".
So yeah... the these were the questions running through my mind. I have ideas but I can't sometimes say them... they just sit in my mind.

Everyday I read various blogs (mostly on English people's experiences while living in France) and makes me wonder and makes me inspired. FYI I'm the type of person that starts something and without courage about 99.9% doesn't finish it. I guess I'm just lazy... BUT I guess this is a subject to keep me motivated. I just need... you know... a little more encouragement at times....

Well anyway, Please leave me comments... as many as you wish... doesn't matter what it is..
Who ever you are....

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